Growing Revenue with the Shared Spirits Beverage Marketing Software

Growing Revenue with the Shared Spirits Beverage Marketing Software

Our exclusive beverage marketing software compliantly converts your marketing dollars into drink credits. This article will spell out the highlights of the program, how you may use it, and then provide links to specific steps and places within the trainings and within our online resources so you may get started in utilized our revolutionary tool. 

By the time take the steps involved in this set of procedures it is assumed that you have onboarded your establishment, built a profile in our system, added Shared Spirits as a tender or house account, and uploaded a few drinks into the Shared Spirits system. Your establishment is showing up on the Shared Spirits mobile app and searchable to those who wish to find you. If you're not take these steps, please read through the knowledge base and find the help articles. If you haven't yet added your establishment to the Shared Spirits system, please click here to proceed.  You'll find step by step instruction in this knowledge base. You may also email anytime as well. 
Also, feel free to submit a support ticket as well. 

High Level Explanation of the Shared Spirits Beverage Marketing Software

What our software successfully allows is the compliant conversion of marketing dollars earmarked for your beverage program to be compliantly converted to drink credits. 
When an establishment owner or operator, vineyard, distillery, brewery, restaurant or bar seeks to market their beverages on our platform, our software accomplishes this process compliantly in this manner. 

We are a marketing and promotions firm running its core business on technology. 

Your establishment funds an account within our system with credit card swipe online via our online system. (Insert Link Here) 

These funds are held in an account specifically tied to our drink credit redemption system. These funds should be viewed similarly to a retainer paid to an attorney. Our system is a pay for performance inspired system and no funds are considered revenue to Shared Spirits until after the campaign period is complete.

A specific drink that you've built into your establishment's list of drinks is chosen to be the "Deployable" drink credit for a campaign. 

For the Restaurant/Bar/Vineyard/Distillery/Brewery marketing client Shared Spirits divides the aforementioned marketing spend into drink credits by their associated prices. Example: $1000 spent would equal 100 ten dollar cocktails or 200 five dollar domestic drafts.

Your establishment's campaign would then be initiated by Shared Spirits deploying these drink credits out to a network of ambassadors or influencers tied to your account. 

You may provide is with a list of these ambassadors. The downloadable template featuring the required information is found by clicking this link. Download it, complete it by filling in the appropriate fields or you may share the link following this sentence with anyone you wish to become associated as an ambassador to your establishment. Click here and share this invitation with anyone you wish to become as Ambassador to your establishment

These ambassadors may come from your list of VIP Patrons, GM, Bar Staff, Vendors, Suppliers, etc. 

Upon receiving this list, we add them to our influencer/ambassador system, with their permission of course, and they are the recipients of campaign drink credits. They then are measured on how effectively they share the drink credits and how effectively their recipients come into the establishment to redeem campaign drink credits.

Let’s look at the math.

$1000 gets spent on the beverage marketing campaign.

Assume a $10 cocktail all in with tax and tip included.

100 cocktail credits get pushed out to the venue provided network. Those ambassadors share their drink credit inventory with others.

At the end of the campaign, 70% or $700 goes back to the venue assuming all drink credits were redeemed. The upside for you, as the venue partner is vast. You get foot-traffic, buzz, good will, and recipients come in with a drink credit that leads them to buy another drink, bring a friend, buy appetizers or stay for dinner.

So for a net cost of $3.00 per customer, you as an operator, knows who responded, who redeemed, what was spent per ticket on each visit and with our upgrades, are provided a way to continually mature the relationship with the individual patron.

This graphic provides a visualization: 

Hospitality Support Overview